Going green! No, I’m not talking about going vegetarian or vegan. I’m talking about making your home eco-friendly
and energy efficient. In the long term it saves you money and honestly, it’s the way of the future. Everyday renewable
energy alternatives and energy efficiency is becoming easier to obtain, more sought after, and more necessary.
Objectively, the green way is a better, less expensive way to live in the long run. So, without jumping straight into
the deep end here are a few things you can do to make your house more energy efficient by switching up your hardware.
and energy efficient. In the long term it saves you money and honestly, it’s the way of the future. Everyday renewable
energy alternatives and energy efficiency is becoming easier to obtain, more sought after, and more necessary.
Objectively, the green way is a better, less expensive way to live in the long run. So, without jumping straight into
the deep end here are a few things you can do to make your house more energy efficient by switching up your hardware.
Simplest thing first, switch out your lightbulbs. We have an entire article “How to Choose Lightbulbs” all about energy
efficient lightbulbs. I’m not telling you to individually hunt down your less efficient lightbulbs and actively pulling them
out of their fixtures replacing them with better lightbulbs. Let your current lightbulbs die natural deaths and when you
replace have energy efficient bulbs on hand to replace them with.
efficient lightbulbs. I’m not telling you to individually hunt down your less efficient lightbulbs and actively pulling them
out of their fixtures replacing them with better lightbulbs. Let your current lightbulbs die natural deaths and when you
replace have energy efficient bulbs on hand to replace them with.
Older appliances aren’t as energy efficient as new appliances. That’s just a fact. Those appliances weren’t made with
energy efficiency in mind and honestly, we’re just better at making just about everything. Everything plugged into an
outlet in your home is using energy whether it’s on or in use or not. Since every home hooked up to the powerplant
contributes to the strain on the powerplants ,having specific appliances could even earn you rebates or credits from
your utility company. Thus, upgrading appliances brings down your energy bill.
energy efficiency in mind and honestly, we’re just better at making just about everything. Everything plugged into an
outlet in your home is using energy whether it’s on or in use or not. Since every home hooked up to the powerplant
contributes to the strain on the powerplants ,having specific appliances could even earn you rebates or credits from
your utility company. Thus, upgrading appliances brings down your energy bill.
Solar panels! This is what you think of when you think about clean and efficient energy. The cost of efficiency
has gone down significantly over the past couple of years. Meaning they’re becoming more accessible to have
for residences. They are meant to work in all climates. They generally work best on south facing roofs with a slope
between 15 and 40 degrees. Yes, the size, shape, and slope of the roof are all factors. Your likely going to need
a professional to help you install solar panels but if you can’t get panels for your own personal residence due to
one reason or another that may not be the end of the line. You can look into getting a solar grid shared between
you and your neighbors. For more information go to the government's energy website. There’s an entire web
page dedicated to solar energy and procuring solar panels.
has gone down significantly over the past couple of years. Meaning they’re becoming more accessible to have
for residences. They are meant to work in all climates. They generally work best on south facing roofs with a slope
between 15 and 40 degrees. Yes, the size, shape, and slope of the roof are all factors. Your likely going to need
a professional to help you install solar panels but if you can’t get panels for your own personal residence due to
one reason or another that may not be the end of the line. You can look into getting a solar grid shared between
you and your neighbors. For more information go to the government's energy website. There’s an entire web
page dedicated to solar energy and procuring solar panels.